Catching smoke

Directed by Me-Line Guerrero

‘Catching Smoke’, a short film written and directed by Me-line Guerrero, Atlas is a young adult struggling with the death of his friend Casey. After grief counseling fails, he gets together with his friends who offer a joint of marijuana to distract him. When the ghost of Casey appears as he gets high, Atlas must confront his grief and learn to move on. This film was filmed over the course of three days across various locations in the state of Arizona. My role as production designer and art director included generating a script breakdown for props, minimal set dressing, and costumes as well as partnering with the director to create a visual element board for the film while working with a crafted budget. I also designed, developed, and maintained costumes and accessories for all characters, and I supervised all props on set and was the head of an art department that assisted in carrying out the director's vision for the picture during production. 

The Dare

